It's an honor to be able to play with a host of amazing musicians,
both on recordings and in person. While the cast of our live show changes depending on availability and the requests of the venue, here are the core members of our little band!
// singer . songwriter . rhythm guitar
Raised on Cat Stevens, Joni Mitchell, Sesame Street and Harry Nilsson, Lolly does what she can to bring the honesty and sweetness of the music she loves into the music that she makes now. Lolly has performed across the country for children and their parents. Playing at places like the Philadelphia Folk Fest, Kidchella, the Dallas Museum of Art, the Boston Public Library & Philadelphia Library, the Philly Zoo, and much more, Lolly has carved out a special corner in the kindie music world. And she hopes you'll join her on her journey!
// harmonica . brass . banjo . autoharp
By day she's a librarian at Princeton University. By night (well, actually, by day on her 'days off', because it's KID's MUSIC), she plays a mean harmonica, trombone, banjo, and anything else she can get her hands on. AnnaLee is the kind of person who will give you the shirt off her back. She's also an amazing photographer and a wonderful friend of bugs!
// singer. muse
Lolly's son has inspired many of the songs that Lolly has written. A lovely singer & performer in his own right, he has joined Lolly in her recordings, live performances & videos. He has also used his talents for other kindie powerhouses like Alex & the Kaleidoscope Band and Kidlake.